
Personal Web Site of Edward A Kimmel

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Snowy Rich Hill Road - Slow Ride To Work

01 February 2019

   My HD dash cam camera that I recently purchased catches some very interesting events from time to time and when I actually catch them, I save them and share them with the world.

   In this first video you will see me starting to leave to go to work from my residence. It has been snowing since the early morning hours and the state snow plow has never made it to plow my road and I have to leave to go to work. My residence is located 2,300ft above sea level at the top of Rich Hill in Springfield Twp., Fayette County in PA. Once I start up my driveway and turn left it's all downhill for a few miles until you reach Breakneck Road at the bottom of the hill.

   I start out on Laws Road and travel to the intersection of Rich Hill Road which has a mild downward slope. Rich Hill Road has three areas where there are steep inclines which make traveling up or down treacherous in the winter months. As you view the first video, the last 30 seconds of this clip is where I start to descend down the first steep incline of my journey to work. From many years of experience traveling down Rich Hill in severe winter weather I slow down to a crawl and put my transmission in neutral so I have total control of my vehicle.

   As I continue down the first steep incline in the second video I was trying to bring the Suburban to a complete stop, something I have always done in the past when I traveled down Rich Hill in severe weather. I soon discovered that I would just have to continue down the steep incline without stopping a few times on the way down. Gravity kept me moving down the steep incline and thanks to my ABS brakes(Automatic Braking System) I could keep the Suburban completely under control. This was also the very first time I attempted to travel down Rich Hill in such severe weather conditions. Prior to this I was driving either a 1998 Mustang or a 1996 Taurus which were much lighter in weight.

   The first steep incline ends as you reach Rich Hill Church. I was very relieved once I got to that land mark and put the transmission in drive and continued on Rich Hill Road to get to the Hanson Stone Quarry. Once you pass the stone quarry you will start down the second steep incline which is even steeper than the first one. Knowing now that the Suburban couldn't be stopped on the first steep incline, I knew I once again once I started down there was no stopping until the end of the second incline so I did something I rarely do with my dash cam, I enabled the microphone to record the next event. So I'll talk you through the rest of the journey so make sure your speakers are on and turned up. You will hear the ABS braking system working in the background which permits me to keep the Suburban under control. The second steep incline is the shortest of the three steep inclines.

   Finally in the third video you'll see me descend down the last of the steep inclines. This is where you'll here me decide to not try to make it to the Connellsville Post Office to pick up my mail and just continue to try to get to work on such a severe weather day. I reach the bottom of Rich Hill and turn right onto Breackneck Road. Normally a 5 minute trip from my residence to the bottom of Rich Hill which took almost 15 minutes on this day.

GMC Suburban Dash Cam

GMC Suburban Dash Cam (has audio at end of video)

GMC Suburban Dash Cam (has audio)

   Ed's Viewing Tip: While viewing the video clip you can click on pause to stop the video clip at any time. Once you have paused the video clip, you can then manually slide the clip time indicator left and right to see the event in a frame by frame mode and see a lot more intricate details of these amazing events captured by my HD dash camera.

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