
Personal Web Site of Edward A Kimmel

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Garbage Men Taketh Away - Walmart Ships For Free!

07 March 2017

   Our HD surveillance camera system at The Motel catches some very interesting events from time to time and when we happen to actually catch them, we save them and share them with the world.

   In this video you will see our garbage collectors get rid of a huge box from a Walmart purchase filled with a bunch of smaller boxes we've collected from Walmart, Amazon and Newegg. Nothing special happening here except me noting that our garbage men aways place our lid back on our cans and stand them up when they are empty, does yours?

Driveway Camera

   Ed's Viewing Tip: While viewing the video clip you can click on pause to stop the video clip at any time. Once you have paused the video clip, you can then manually slide the clip time indicator left and right to see the event in a frame by frame mode and see a lot more intricate details of these amazing events captured by our home HD camera surveillance system.

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